Winchester's next neighborhood elementary school for generations to come
With a strong showing of community support for the project at the January 2023 debt-exclusion override election following unanimous Town Meeting approval in November 2022, the New Lynch design is complete and Brait Builders have begun construction off of Brantwood Road with Lynch students now studying at The Parkhurst School until June 2025.
This site will be updated periodically as we move forward with construction. Here you will find information on the current facility, the School Facilities Master Plan, the site, the team, the process, design/planning updates, costs & authorizations and news/announcements. Questions are welcomed by email to Updates can also be found on Twitter (#Lynch2025).
Key Facts & Figures
Three-story new construction of 103,500gsf on current site north of today's existing 1960 Lynch Elementary School. Abatement of the existing building is anticipated to begin late fall 2023 and completion for Fall 2025.
For more information see The Project and Schedule below.
Preschool: 7 classrooms w/ toilets
Kindergarten: 5 classrooms w/ toilets
Grades 1 & 2: 5 classrooms each
Grades 3 - 5: 4 classrooms each
Also included: Central STE space - Sci/Tech Education
Regulation Gym for continued basketball
Teacher Planning Rooms on each level
Contract Award & Site Mobilization
December '23 - On Dec 4 the EFPBC authorized contract award to Brait Builders of Marshfield, MA. The $65.7M bid for base scope was sufficiently under the cost estimate for the EFPBC to accept add alternates 1 through 3, as well as alternate 4 with supplemental funding of $300,000 in Free Cash as approved by Fall Town Meeting's Article 18 (see video, right). No additional long-term borrowing will be required for site solar.
Bidding & Town Meeting on Solar
November '23 - Filed sub-bids were received on Nov 16th. The deadline for general contractor bids was extended from 11/27 to 11/30 to accommodate requests from bidders. While the project was out for bid, Town Meeting debated-- and supported-- Articles 18 & 19, each providing a pathway for procurement of a full photo-voltaic system and installation as a means to achieve net-zero energy status. Click image above for Town Meeting debate.
Pre-Bid Walkthroughs and Addenda
October '23 - Interested contractors and subcontractors visited the Lynch project site on Brantwood Road on October 14th with an opportunity to see the existing building and site first-hand and meet members of the Project Team. Written questions from contractors during the bidding period were addressed by the OPM (Hill, International) or Architect (Tappe), in some cases with clarifying drawings or specifications (addenda) issued to bidders.
Materials, Site Visits and Final Design
Summer '23 - The EFPBC met in person to review interior and exterior material selections. The Committee also conducted site visits with the design team to the Ambrose and Vinson-Owen schools (both Tappe Architects designs) to hear from DPW how various materials or design details have performed over the years and what lessons learned can be taken and incorporated into the New Lynch project.
Central Office Moves & Mods are built
May - June '23 - To make way for Lynch students at Parkhurst during construction, Central Office temporarily relocated staff throughout the district. The WPS Business Office is now located at Winchester High School. Fourteen new modular classrooms were built in Pennsylvania and arrived on site for August placement as temporary classrooms during construction of the New Lynch from Fall 2023 to Fall 2025.
100% Design Development, Site Tweaks
March '23 - Following the 100% DD submission to the MSBA-- a key milestone-- the project team continued to make adjustments & improvements to site design, including revised access, queuing and parking from the east, to better accommodate vehicles during drop-off/pick up. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing engineers continued to make progress developing their plans and specs, coordinated with the latest architectural design.
Design Development & Parkhurst Prep
Winter '23 - Following voter approval of the Lynch project in January, the Project Team moved into Design Development, with greater detail in plans, exterior massing, and site design. The team continues to meet with town departments heads and the Conservation Commission. Modular classrooms for the Parkhurst School began construction off-site. For more information, see Design page.
Winchester Votes YES for New Lynch
January '23 - On January 7th Winchester voters overwhelmingly supported a debt-exclusion override to construct the New Lynch Elementary School and fund swing space construction at the Parkhurst School. In addition, voters supported a tax levy increase (operating override) to fund debt service via the Capital Stabilization Fund for traffic/safety improvements in the surrounding Lynch neighborhood.
MSBA Increases Reimbursement
December '22 - At its December 21st board meeting, the MSBA voted unanimously to approve a greater Total Maximum Facilities Grant of $20.3M-- an increase of nearly $2.9M. Though not a change to the overall Project Budget, the vote means that Winchester can expect to borrow nearly $3M less to construct the New Lynch! See Costs & Authorizations page for more information.
Plans & Exterior Design Develop
July through August '22 - Following the MSBA's approval of the preferred New Lynch option, the Project Team has been developing the floorplans to a greater level of detail, accommodating the approved space program. In July and August, Tappe Architects and the EFPBC are reviewing this progress as well as exterior massing, elevations and early material concepts. For more information, see Design page!
Storm Water Management, Design
July '22 - Project civil engineer, Nitsch Engineering shared with the Sustainability Subcommittee its schematic design for storm water management. The project will include bioretention areas incorporated into the landscape as well as underground infiltration systems to manage both roof and site storm water runoff. Inside the building, a number of low-flow fixtures types will also be installed.
Summer Drilling & Analysis
July '22 - With the preferred option approved in the spring and the footprint of the New Lynch now well-established, the EFPBC authorized additional geo-technical investigations on site in the form of multiple cores for lab analysis. Similar to the initial work performed in December of '21, soil sample analysis will help the structural engineer and architect determine foundation design.
Preferred Option Development
May through June '22 - After a month of review by MSBA senior staff, the Executive Board voted on April 27 to approve the preferred design option (N5). This is a key milestone in the project as N5 and its accompanying space program are now established as the conceptual basis of design. The Project Team reassembled in May to engage with senior Winchester town staff and department heads (WPD, WFD, DPW, etc) to initiate the Schematic Design process which runs through August.
Wellfield Parcel Transfer
March '22 - Following the PSR submittal to the MSBA, on March 28th Winchester's Spring Town Meeting voted to authorize the transfer of ownership of the adjacent abandoned wellfield parcel from the Select Board to the School Committee. The transfer of the entire parcel was a requirement of the MSBA, as a portion of the preferred N5 option encroaches onto this land. A complete decommissioning of the wellfield (abandoned in the early 1960s) will be completed as part of the project.
Design & Site Planning Evolution
March '22 - The Project Team submitted the PSR (Preferred Schematic Report) in March, which included a more developed N5 replacement option. The PSR included conceptual floor plans with grade-level distribution, preliminary site plan and early phasing & logistics concepts. With MSBA approval of the preferred schematic in April, the architect will more fully develop this approach into a full Schematic Design package for Fall Town Meeting approval.
And the Winner is....
February '22 - On February 7th the EFPBC reviewed the three options to be included in the Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) sent to the MSBA in March. Although all three options must be submitted, only one may be chosen as the preferred option. The Committee strongly favored new-build/replacement option N5 and voted to designate this concept as the New Lynch. For more info on N5, next steps, and the various development options, see Design page.
Options Development and Process
January '22 - On Jan 10th the EFPBC held a public meeting via webinar to present and discuss all eleven (11) early site options, including renovation, addition & renovation, and new-build or replacement options. The EFPBC narrowed these options down to six and on Jan 24th shortened the list further to four, including two replacement options. On Jan 31st the Committee identified the final three options required for inclusion in the March PSR submittal.
Site Investigation Work
December '21 - Geotech Engineer Weston & Sampson was on site monitoring early soils exploration. After test pit excavation, drilling rigs were brought on site to collect samples lab samples which help engineers determine soils characterization and design criteria for excavation, earth retention and foundations for the project as well as potential footprint location options or areas of concern. Survey work began before snowfall and will continue again soon.
What's the Schedule?
Key project milestones from the early Feasibility Study phase and beyond are shown below. Additional detail will be added once construction contract is awarded.
Preliminary Design Program (PDP) submittal to MSBA: January 18, 2022 (completed)
Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) submittal to MSBA: March 3, 2022 (completed)
Facilities Assessment Subcommittee Review: March 30, 2022 (completed)
MSBA Board of Directors Meeting - Preferred Schematic Approval: April 27, 2022 (approved)
Schematic Design (SD) submittal to MSBA: September 1, 2022 (completed)
MSBA Board of Directors Meeting - Project Scope and Budget Approval: October 26, 2022 (approved unanimously)
Town Meeting votes Project Funding Agreement: Fall Town Meeting 2022 (approved)
Debt-Exclusion Override Vote - Town-wide special election ballot question: January 7, 2023 (approved: 2892 Yes - 618 No)
Construction Documents (100% CDs) submittal to MSBA: October 6, 2023 (completed on schedule)
Subcontractor Filed Sub-Bids Due: Early trade bids required prior to GC bid: November 16, 2023 (completed/received)
General Contractor Bids Due: Traditional Design-Bid-Build w/ General Contractor: November 30, 2023 (completed/received)
Authorization for Project Contract Award by EFPBC (updated): December 4, 2023 (completed/voted)
Site Mobilization: December 2023 through January 2024 (mobilized)
Demolition of original Lynch School: February through March 2024 (completed)
Substantial Completion: June 2025
Commissioning and Move-in: Summer 2025
New Lynch opens to students: September 2025